January, 2024 Newsletter
"The Voice of Arizona's Veterans" Welcome to the conversation! The brand new monthly Unified Arizona Veterans newsletter.
Jhennicea Morrow
1/1/20248 min read

January is here,
With eyes that keenly glow—
A frost-mailed warrior striding
A shadowy steed of snow.
–Edgar Fawcett, American poet (1847–1904)
A message from our Vice-Chair Travis Burns
Army Veteran (Korea Service & Gulf War) AVHOF-2019 Travis Burns
I served from 1987 to 1991, with service on the Korean Demilitarized Zone, and in the 1991 Gulf War. My primary areas of focus in the veteran service community are on military-specific moral conflict and injury, and veteran suicide.
I’m standing in for UAV Chair Gene Crego in this first edition of “The Conversation.” This UAV newsletter was started as part of the UAV mission to become the premier information resource for anyone who is involved in the Arizona veteran community.

UAV was formed in 1981. However, the world has changed a lot in the last 42 years, and so too, must UAV. The next few years will see a fair amount of change at UAV. However, this change will be accompanied by continued commitment to the people and principles that have guided our organization thus far. At the same time, it is the duty of UAV to meet the newest veterans where they are, and providing to them the knowledge, wisdom and insight that can only be obtained through years of experience after military service. These objectives can be accomplished by using what we learned in our respective journeys in the military.
What military veterans have that much of the world does not, is the clear sense of community, continuity and service that comes from having served in the U.S. military. Just like the traditions of service that have defined and shaped the U.S. military throughout the generations, so too, do the traditions of service provide purpose to all of us engaged in serving the veteran community.
It is possible to remember the past and honor those who came before us, while at the same time, working to ensure the best outcomes for the individuals leaving the military every day. I invite you along for the journey as we work to expand the scope and scale of UAV, and to become a premier information resource for Arizona veterans and their families.
Thank you,
Travis Burns
Thank you, Travis!
We are excited to move forward with this newsletter, serving veterans at all stages of life and needs. As your voice throughout Arizona, our hope and intent is bringing benefit through communication.
In this newsletter, you will learn about events and dates, get reminders, be provided legislative updates, and have the peace of mind that you're keeping up to date with state-wide veteran-focused information. On the website, you'll be able to see past newsletters (archive) that have gone out as well as see submissions that didn't quite make it in time, and view the calendar which has all the dates. There is also a form where you can submit entries such as events, news, and questions you might want answered by other veterans and veteran groups.
Entries are due the 22nd of every month.
If you are having trouble seeing a graphic in the newsletter, right click on it and select Open Image In New Tab, to view it full size.
Onward, to the events!

Blood Drive!
On Thurs., Jan. 4 from 6:30 am to 11:30 am at The Carl T. Hayden VA Medical Center (buses near the flagpoles), the Phoenix VA Health Care System is holding a Blood Drive.
For more information, contact Cynthia Gonzalez-Teninty at cynthia.gonzalez-teninty@va.gov or Tiffany Clemons at tiffany.clemons@va.gov
You can also visit www.donors.vitalant.org (Blood Drive Code: P1396) or scan the QR Code to schedule your lifesaving appointment.

Vietnam War Veteran Recognition Ceremony
The Phoenix VA Health Care System will be recognizing our local Vietnam War Veterans on Jan. 5, 2024 at the Carl T. Hayden VA Medical Center’s Canteen Patio.
Ceremony includes welcome home pinning for Vietnam Vets in attendance.
The event will begin at 1 pm MST.
All are welcomed to attend and be recognized.
Free AVHOF Nominations Orientation Sessions
Date: Saturday, January 6, 2024 and February 3rd, 2024
Time: 1:15 – 2:15 pm
Following the UAV Membership Meeting. AVHOF Nominations Orientation Session.
The Orientation Session is for veterans and the public who wish to nominate an Arizona veteran to the Class of 2024, AVHOF/Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame.
To attend:
RSVP to: secretary@azuav.org
Arizona Veterans Choir
Saturday, January 13th
Time: 10 am - 11:30 am
Southwynd Studios
214 N. Country Club Drive,
Mesa, AZ 85201
Practice will be every 2nd Saturday, of every month.
Would you like to be part of our newly formed Arizona Veterans Choir? We're aiming to gather monthly and aspire to showcase our musical talents at ceremonies, luncheons, and sporting events. Register with the button below.

Welcome ALL Women Veterans!
Women's Army Corps Veterans Assoc-Army Women United (WACVA-AWU) Chapter 68- Saguaro Chapter
Join us for our 2024 New Year's social
Tuesday, Jan 16, 2024, 4 pm to 6:30 pm
Frasher's Smokehouse
3222 East Indian School Road
Phoenix, AZ 85018
We will be having a 50/50 and raffle event!
RSVP by Jan 14, 2024 to Lizz Levy, 602-826-5197
OR Sheree Bigge, 623-680-3016
For info on WACVA-AWU Application, e-mail (AZSaguaro.Chapter68@gmail.com ) or phone (602-551-7368). Navy, Air Force and USMC veterans are eligible for membership! Sheree Bigge, president or Shirley Vega, membership. For the history of WACVA-AWU, click on www.armywomen.org/aboutUs.shtml

Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame Society
Please mark your calendars for
Friday April 19, 2024, and join us for the 17th Annual Patriotic Awards Luncheon.
This year's Copper Award recipients are:
UAV Copper Star - Abe McCann, City of Tempe
UAV Copper Shield - Representative Stacey Travers
AVHOFS Copper Eagle - Military Assistance Mission
AVHOFS Copper Sword - Kelly Mills, Veteran Advocate
Registration will open No Later Than January 15, 2024
Sponsorship, registration, and other info will be posted on the Society's website when available, at www.avhof.org
Virtual Events at SAVAHCS
January 25th – Women Veterans Tele-Town Hall 5:00 - 6:00 pm (Virtual)
January 30th- Quarterly Congressional, VSO and Stakeholder Meeting (Virtual)

Call for submissions
ISSUED, a journal of veteran and military-affiliated writing, is looking for stories by active-duty, veterans, and family members that express the spectrum of experiences, physical and mental health, combat, enlisting and separating, family and relationships, and reintegration into society.
Submit up to 3 poems or 1 piece of nonfiction (1,200 words or fewer) in a single word doc to issuedjournal@gmail.com
Submission Deadline: February 1, 2024

Mayor's Military Mission Car Show
MMM Car & Bike Show coming on Sunday, February 4, 2024
9:00 am - 1:00 pm, at Glendale Community College (South Parking Lot).
Mark your calendars for this event. Funds raised go to helping local
Veterans. The Mayor’s Military Mission was created by Mayor Jerry Weiers of Glendale and a group of us dedicated to helping Veterans.
This will be the 1st inaugural event and will become an annual event. For questions, you can reach out to me at my contact information below. We sincerely hope that you will participate.
- Ray Strahl, DTM
Mayor’s Military Mission
Member of the Board of Directors
U.S.Army Veteran Aviator
Veterans First Ltd. announces a Ceremony and Concert to Honor
Military and Veteran Women on Saturday, March 23, 2024, from 3 pm to 6 pm.
At the Madison Center for the Arts,
5601 N. 16th Street, Phoenix, AZ.
The program starts with a ceremony to recognize women who
served from World War II through the Global War on Terror. Then,
Universal Artist Jeff Senour and the Called to Serve band will perform
the “Freedom Rock Experience.”
General Admission tickets ($15) for the public will be available through Ticketmaster or can be purchased at www.ticketmaster.com/event/19005F75AF3914BB or at the Box Office day of event.
Military and Women Veterans Are Eligible for ONE complimentary FREE ticket.
Register at Google Forms to get FREE ticket at https://forms.gle/bqE9wNeWqqmcLgM17
Pick up your FREE ticket at the Box Office.
For information on the concert, go to: veteransfirstltd.org/news/
Even more Veterans First Ltd Events for you to enjoy!
Monthly Veterans Programs: Veterans First Ltd hosts the following programs for veterans throughout the year:
Heal Her Art Program - Phoenix AZ - Art Program for Women Veterans - 2nd Saturday of every month starting Jan 2024.
Heal Her Art Program - Prescott AZ - Art Program for Women Veterans - Every other month starting in January 2024.
Muster and Mingle - Phoenix AZ - Social Get Together for Military and Veteran Women - Last Saturday of every other month starting in February 2024.
Muster and Mingle - Prescott AZ - Social Get Together for Military and Veteran Women - Every other month starting in February 2024.
Rest and Recreation - Phoenix AZ - Held Bi-Monthly - Social Get Together for Male Veterans - Last Saturday of every other month starting in January 2024.
Instruments4Success - Phoenix AZ - Healing through Musical Instrument Lessons for Male and Female Veterans - contact eventreg@veteransfirstltd.org for specific dates and times.
For information on event programs or to be added to the distribution list, contact Veterans First Ltd. at eventreg@veteransfirstltd.org.
Seeking more events?
Be sure to check out our calendar. We'll keep it up-to-date any time we get a veteran-focused event.

Were you able to attend the 2023 Arizona Veteran's Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony?
It was fantastic! The inductees were honored by Governor Hobbs, Secretary of State Adrian Fontes, Lieutenant Colonel Dana Allmond, and a multitude of other great individuals. They were treated to a moving tribute by Arizona Historian Marshall Trimble, and a presentation of colors by Tempe Union High School, and also enjoyed the amazing and talented performances by the Yellow Bird Dancers doing their Tribute to Warriors, and the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community Traditional Dancers.

For more photos, be sure to visit our facebook page.
Did You Know...?
The Affordable Connectivity Program is an FCC benefit program that helps ensure that households can afford the broadband they need for work, school, healthcare and more.
As a veteran or survivor (Veterans Pension or Survivor Benefits), you may qualify so, be sure to check it out.
Newsletter Facts
When the next newsletter will be sent?
Newsletters will be sent out through email the first of each month. Past newsletters will be posted to the website.
When is the submission deadline?
The 22nd of every month is the submission deadline. All submissions must be made by midnight on the 22nd in order to be included in the newsletter for the following month.
What are we allowed to submit?
We gladly welcome events, news, and activities that are veteran-focused and within the state of Arizona. We also accept light news that is Veteran focused and can lift spirits and bring us all some joy, as well as questions you'd like to ask other veterans and/or answers to questions from the previous newsletter.
I hope you enjoyed the newsletter!
We look forward to continuing the conversation and are excited to receive your submissions and thoughts.

I'm Jhennicea (Jhenni) Morrow, newsletter editor.
It's truly exciting to begin this ongoing, state-wide conversation, including a calendar, incorporating veteran details, helpful
information, and shared event updates. As in any conversation, your input is vital.
Ready to share? Do you have event details, questions, or other submissions? See the big blue button? Click and share via our submissions form. Easy-peasy!
© 2023-2024 Jhennicea Morrow
Director of Communication | U.A.V
Newsletter Editor
Scholarship Chair
Site design by Ravyn Crescent
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